Estimation of Chlorophyll Concentration in Lakes and Inland Seas From Near-infrared and Red Spectral Signature  

Author : Kazuo Oki, Yoshifumi Yasuoka, and K. Tokumura


  • Chlorophyll-a Estimation Model,
  • Spectral Reflectance at Lake,
  • Measurement of Spectral Reflectance,
  • Remove the Effect of Specular Reflection,
  • Specular Reflection Model,

Abstract A remote sensing method to estimate distribution of rich chlorophyll concentration in takes or inland seas in proposed. First, the basic relationship the chlorophyll concentration and the spectral reflectance of water was investigated. As a result, chlorophyll estimation model was derived using the ratio of spectral reflectance at two different wavelengths of 675 nm (red range) and 700 nm (near-infrared range). It was found that the spectral signature of near infrared range is investigate the behaviour of the proposed model was used in rich chlorophyll water types. Furthermore, the amount of specular reflection from the water surface was assessed based on the spectral signature data measured above and below the water surface. The percentage of specular reflection was evaluated at least 20% of the total radiance at the surface within the range of 400nm. Finally a method to remove the effect of specular reflection at the water surface was investigated for the proposed model. The model for specular reflection was proposed to eliminate its effect and to improve chlorophyll estimation accuracy.






This project examines the use of GIS and Remote Sensing in mapping Land Use Land Cover in Ilorin between 1972 and 2001 so as to detect the changes that has taken place in this status between these periods. Subsequently, an attempt was made at projecting the observed land use land cover in the next 14 years. In achieving this, Land Consumption Rate and Land Absorption Coefficient were introduced to aid in the quantitative assessment of the change. The result of the work shows a rapid growth in built-up land between 1972 and 1986 while the periods between 1986 and 2001 witnessed a reduction in this class. It was also observed that change by 2015 may likely follow the trend in 1986/2001. Suggestions were therefore made at the end of the work on ways to use the information as contained therein optimally.




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Author :

Achilleas Psomas, Niklaus E. Zimmermann, Mathias Kneubühler, Tobias Kellenbergerand Klaus Itten


Dry grasslands in Switzerland are species-rich habitats resulting from a traditional agricultural land use. Almost 40% of plant and in some cases over 50% of the animal species present on dry grasslands are included in the red lists, and are classified as endangered or threatened.  Furthermore, it is estimated that about 90% of dry grassland in Switzerland have been transformed to other land cover types over the past 60 years. Existing grasslands are managed differently depending on the region and the lower-altitude communities range from very dry and nutrient-poor to mesic and nutrient-rich conditions. There is a need to better understand the seasonal variation of the reflectance properties of these grassland ecosystems in order to develop efficient and reliable tools for mapping, evaluating and monitoring within the framework of a national inventory. In this study, we examined the potential use of remote sensing for monitoring the development of these grasslands during their growing season. In addition, we investigated the optimal points in time during the growing season for discriminating the different grassland types spectrally. For this purpose a field spectrometer, the Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) FieldSpec Pro FR, was used to collect reflectance data from 12 sample fields (4 grassland types) in 12 time steps at the Cantons of Aargau and Chur. The measurements examined were from the beginning of March until the beginning of October 2004. The 4 grassland types cover the wetness / nutrient gradient. The revisiting period of the sample areas was approximately 10-14 days depending on the weather conditions. Analysis for statistically significant differences in reflectance was performed between the vegetation types during the growing season. Continuum removal analysis was used as a spectral transformation method in addition to the original reflectance spectra. After the statistical significant bands between the grassland types were found, Classification and Regression Trees (CART) were used to select the bands that could optimally be used to discriminate the different types. Finally, using the bands selected from the CART analysis, the separability of the grassland types during the season was estimated using the Jeffries-Matusita (JM) distance. Our results demonstrate that there is seasonal variation in the spectral reflectance of the grasslands. Furthermore, the potential of using spectral information for discriminating different grassland types changes during the growing period.


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EARSeL eProceedings




Remote Sensing Techniques for Mangrove Mapping  

By : Chaichoke Vaiphasa

Content :

  • Remote sensing for mangrove studies
  • Hyperspectral remote sensing for mangrove discrimination
  • Burdens of hyperspectral data
  • Dimensionality problems
  • Noise levels
  • mangrove-environment relationships
  • Hyperspectral Data for Mangrove Discrimination
  • Acquisition of hyperspectral data
  • Spectral Smoothing
  • Smoothing techniques (Moving average, Savitzky-Golay)
  • Hyperspectral data collection
  • Experimental use of smoothing filters (Statistical comparisons , Spectral separability analysis)
  • Ecological Data Integration (Ecological data collection, Mangrove sampling)
  • Input data for the post-classifier (Soil pH interpolation, Plant-environment relationships, The classified image)
  • The post-classifier
  • Hyperspectral data for mangrove discrimination
  • Utilizing mangrove-environment relationships

Abstract :

Mangroves, important components of the world’s coastal ecosystems, are threatened by the expansion of human settlements, the boom in commercial aquaculture, the impact of tidal waves and storm surges, etc.  Such threats are leading to the increasing demand for detailed mangrove maps for the purpose of measuring the extent of the decline of mangrove ecosystems. Detailed mangrove maps at the community or species level are, however, not easy to produce, mainly because mangrove forests are very difficult to access. Without doubt, remote sensing is a serious alternative to traditional field-based methods for mangrove mapping, as it allows information to be gathered from the forbidding environment of mangrove forests, which otherwise, logistically and practically speaking, would be extremely difficult to survey. Remote sensing applications for mangrove mapping at the fundamental level are already well established but, surprisingly, a number of advanced remote sensing applications have remained unexplored for the purpose of mangrove mapping at a finer level. Consequently, the aim of this thesis is to unveil the potential of some of the unexplored remote sensing techniques for mangrove studies.  Specifically, this thesis focuses on improving class separability between mangrove species or community types. It is based on two important ingredients:
(i) the use of narrow-band hyperspectral data, and
(ii) the integration of ecological knowledge of mangroveenvironment relationships into the mapping process.
Overall, the results of this study reveal the potential of both ingredients. They show that delicate spectral details of hyperspectral data and the spatial relationships between mangroves and their surrounding environment help to improve mangrove class separability at the species level. Despite the optimism generated by the overall results, it was found that appropriate data treatments and analysis techniques such as spectral band selection and noise reduction were still required to harness essential information from both hyperspectral and ecological data. Thus, some aspects of these data treatments and analysis techniques are also presented in this thesis. Finally, it is hoped that the methodology presented in this thesis will prove useful and will be followed for producing mangrove maps at a finer level.


ISBN: 90-8504-353-0
ITC Dissertation Number: 129
International Institute for Geo-information Science & Earth Observation,
Enschede, The Netherlands
© 2006 Chaichoke Vaiphasa

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Free Downloadable Journal of Geographical Information Systems for Aquaculture  

Below are some of Free Journal GIS and Remote Sensing Article compile from

Ross, L.G., Mendoza QM, E.A., & Beveridge, M.C.M. 1993. The application of geographical information systems to site selection for coastal aquaculture: an example base on salmonid cage culture. Aquaculture, 112, 165-178.
The application of geographical information systems to site selection for coastal aquacultureDownload
Aguilar-Manjarrez, J. and Ross, L.G. 1993. Aquaculture development and Geographical Information Systems. Mapping Awareness and GIS Europe. 7 (4) 49-52.
Ross, L.G. and Beveridge, M.C.M. 1995. Is a better strategy necessary for development of native species for aquaculture? A Mexican case study. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management. 26: 539-547.
Aguilar-Manjarrez, J., and Ross, L.G. 1995. Managing Aquaculture Development: The role of GIS in environmental studies for aquaculture. GIS World. 8: (3), 52-56.
Nath, S.S, Bolte, J.P., Ross, L.G. and Aguilar-Manjarrez, J. 2000. Applications of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) For Spatial Decision Support in Aquaculture. Aquacultural Engineering. 23: 233-278.
M. Abdus Salam, Ross, L.G. and Beveridge, M.C.M. 2000. Eco-tourism to protect the reserve mangrove forest of the Sundarbans and its flora and fauna. Anatolia. 11: (1), 56-66.
Pérez, O.M., Telfer, T.C., Beveridge, M.C.M. and Ross, L.G. 2002. Geographical information systems (GIS) as a simple tool to aid modelling of particulate waste distribution at marine fish cage sites. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 54: 761-768.
Perez, O.M., Telfer, T.C and Ross, L.G. 2002. Optimización de la acuicultura marina de jaulas flotantes en Tenerife, Islas Canarias, mediante el uso de modelos basados en Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Revista AquaTIC. 17: October 2002.
Salam, M. A., Ross, L.G., and Beveridge, M.C.M. 2003. A comparison of development opportunities for crab and shrimp aquaculture in South-western Bangladesh, using GIS modelling. Aquaculture. 220: 477-494.
Pérez, O.M., del Campo Barquin, L.M., Telfer, T.C. and Ross, L.G. 2003. Water quality requirements for marine fish cage site selection in Tenerife (Canary Islands): predictive modelling and analysis using GIS. Aquaculture. 224: 51-68.
Pérez, O.M., Telfer, T.C. and Ross, L. G. 2003. On the calculation of wave climate for offshore cage culture site selection: A case study in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Aquacultural Engineering. 29: 1-21.
Pérez, O. M. Telfer, T. C. and Ross, L. G. 2003. Use of GIS-based models for integrating and developing marine fish cages within the tourism industry in Tenerife (Canary Islands).
Pérez, O.M., Telfer, T.C. and Ross, L.G. 2005. Geographical information systems-based models for offshore floating marine fish cage aquaculture site selection in Tenerife, Canary Islands. Aquaculture Research. 36: 946-961.
Corner, R.A., Brooker, A., Telfer, T.C. and Ross, L.G. 2006. A fully integrated GIS-based model of particulate waste distribution from marine fish-cage sites. Aquaculture. 258, 299-311. Download



S-Distance: Free GIS Software for Decission Support System  


S-Distance is a software being developed in the Laboratory of Spatial Analysis, GIS and Thematic Mapping in the Department of Planning and Regional Development (DPRD) at University of Thessaly in Greece. The sole developer of the project is Stavros Sirigos, under the close supervision of assistance professor Yorgos N. Photis.

S-Distance is a standalone Spatial Decision Support System, mainly focused on location-allocation analysis. While still being in an early stage, the software is functional and has been tested on many classical Operation Research instances, as well as on several real-world problems. S-Distance is currently being created using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and is intended to be used for educational purposes only.

S-Distance Spatial Deccision Support:

S-Distance is an independent Spatial Decision Support System, which incorporates an interactive solution process within a simplified GIS framework. S-Distance offers:

  • a simple, yet effective graphical user interface (GUI)
  • interactivity during algorithm execution / visualization of the solution process
  • dynamic graphical support of the generated and/or modified solutions
  • straight-forward creation and evaluation of different solutions (both numerically and graphically)
  • results export in field format
Location-Allocation Analsis of S-Distance:
  • S-Distance offers a number of heuristics to solve classical location-allocation discrete and network problems, including:
    • p-median
    • p-center
    • maximal covering
    • multi-objective
  • In the current version of the software, implemented solution techniques include:
    • greedy and randomized algorithms
    • local search heuristics
    • metaheuristics
    • lagrange relaxation
  • S-Distance can import Dbase (*.dbf) databases with network/point topology
  • All Pairs Shortest Paths calculation using Dijkstra's (2-ary heap) or Floyd's algorithms, for network problems.
More (Full) Info and DOWNLOAD


Applications Of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) For Spatial Decision Support In Aquaculture  


  1. Shree S.
  2. John P. Bolte
  3. Lindsay G. Ross
  4. Jose

Geographical information systems (GIS) are becoming an increasingly integral component of natural resource management activities worldwide. However, despite some indication that these tools are receiving attention within the aquaculture community, their deployment for spatial decision support in this domain continues to be very slow. This situation is attributable to a number of constraints including a lack of appreciation of the technology, limited understanding of GIS principles and associated methodology, and inadequate organizational commitment to ensure continuity of these spatial decision support tools. This paper analyzes these constraints in depth, and includes reviews of basic GIS terminology, methodology, case studies in aquaculture and future trends. The section on GIS terminology addresses the two fundamental types of GIS (raster and vector), and discusses aspects related to the visualization of outcomes. With regard to GIS methodology, the argument is made for close involvement of end users, subject matter specialists and analysts in all projects. A user-driven framework, which involves seven phases, to support this process is presented together with details of the degree of involvement of each category of personnel, associated activities and analytical procedures. The section on case studies reviews in considerable detail four aquaculture applications which are demonstrative of the extent to which GIS can be deployed, indicate the range in complexity of analytical methods used, provide insight into


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