Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Eastern Indonesia Tuna Fishery Data Collection Workshop was held at the headquarters of the Research Center for Capture Fisheries in Jakarta, from 30 to 31 January 2007. The workshop was attended by 29 participants from five Indonesian government agencies, industry, Australia, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, the Secretariat of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission and other agencies (see Appendix III).
The workshop was part of the Indonesia and Philippines Data Collection Project, which was developed by the Preparatory Conference for the Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific (Anon. 2003) and adopted by the WCPFC in December 2005. The objectives of the IPDCP are (1) to collect and compile data that can be used to reduce the uncertainty of the assessments of tuna stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean and (2) to improve the monitoring of tuna fisheries in the Philippines and Indonesia so that both countries will be able to fulfill their future obligations in regard to the provision of fisheries data to the Commission.
Prior to the workshop, during 2005 and 2006, a review of the tuna fisheries and the current statistical system in Indonesia was conducted as part of the IPDCP by Mr Craig Proctor of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation of Australia and Mr Budi Nugraha of RCCF and the Research Institute for Marine Fisheries of Indonesia. The objectives of the
workshop were to consider the tuna fisheries and the current statistical system, and to draft recommendations for the improvement of tuna fishery data collection.
Funding for the IPDCP has been provided by Chinese Taipei, France, New Zealand and the United States of America. The review of the tuna fisheries and the current statistical system was funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research and CSIRO. Dr Wudianto, Director of RCCF, welcomed the participants and introduced the opening speaker, Dr
Indroyono Soesilo, Chairman of the Marine and Fisheries Research Agency.
Dr Soesilo spoke of Indonesias participation in regional fisheries management organisations, such as CCSBT and IOTC, and of the benefits that have accrued to Indonesia through collaboration with those organisations, particularly in regard to the monitoring of tuna fisheries in the Indian Ocean waters of Indonesia. Such monitoring should be replicated in Eastern Indonesia and, in this regard, he proposed establishing a tuna monitoring station, similar to the station in Benoa, for Eastern
Indonesia in Manado. He noted that Indonesia was in the process of becoming a member of WCPFC and that Indonesia intended to participate very actively. Dr Soesilo gave a warm welcome to the participants and wished them success in their deliberations. Dr SungKwon Soh welcomed the participants on behalf of the WCPFC Secretariat, SPC and CSIRO.
Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
February 2007
Tuna, Regional Fisheries, CCSBT, WCPFC, CSIRO, IOTC, Indonesia, Fishery

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