Estimation of Chlorophyll Concentration in Lakes and Inland Seas From Near-infrared and Red Spectral Signature  

Author : Kazuo Oki, Yoshifumi Yasuoka, and K. Tokumura


  • Chlorophyll-a Estimation Model,
  • Spectral Reflectance at Lake,
  • Measurement of Spectral Reflectance,
  • Remove the Effect of Specular Reflection,
  • Specular Reflection Model,

Abstract A remote sensing method to estimate distribution of rich chlorophyll concentration in takes or inland seas in proposed. First, the basic relationship the chlorophyll concentration and the spectral reflectance of water was investigated. As a result, chlorophyll estimation model was derived using the ratio of spectral reflectance at two different wavelengths of 675 nm (red range) and 700 nm (near-infrared range). It was found that the spectral signature of near infrared range is investigate the behaviour of the proposed model was used in rich chlorophyll water types. Furthermore, the amount of specular reflection from the water surface was assessed based on the spectral signature data measured above and below the water surface. The percentage of specular reflection was evaluated at least 20% of the total radiance at the surface within the range of 400nm. Finally a method to remove the effect of specular reflection at the water surface was investigated for the proposed model. The model for specular reflection was proposed to eliminate its effect and to improve chlorophyll estimation accuracy.

